Start A YouTube Channel And Earn Money From It

Have you ever thought that you could start a YouTube Channel and Earn Money From it? A YouTube channel is one of the best online businesses you can start and earn money from.

If you have ever watched a video on YouTube and encountered advertisement, then let me tell you that the owner of that channel is most likely earning from it.

YouTube ChannelNote well, the channel is free to you the viewer/subscriber, however those advertisers are paying the owner of that channel to air their advertisements.

You too can start a YouTube channel and earn money from it.

Earning on YouTube

The beauty about this is that users do not need to click advertisements or even buy a product for the owner of the channel to earn from the advertisements.

If you have ever noticed those advertisements that interrupt your viewing pleasure and need to run for a mandatory 5 seconds before you can click them off then that’s because the owners are being paid each time an ad runs for a certain amount of seconds.

Now doesn’t that sound like a great money-making opportunity?

Does this sound like something you would like to do?

Starting a YouTube channel can often take a bit more investment than Starting Your Own Money Making Blog or Website since it generally requires you to create your own videos. In this case, you will need a camera, microphone, and a program to edit your video.

You may begin with the camera and microphone you have on hand, for some this may be the one on your cellphone. However, keep in mind when you are looking to present a video, clean audio is of extreme importance. Even more important than the clarity of the picture.

Additionally, if you do not have the finance to invest in a really good editing program you may try some of the free software available on the internet.

10 Free Video Editing Software Are:

  1. Lumen5
  2. Wondershare Filmora
  3. Movie Maker
  4. Shotcut
  5. Blender
  6. Lightworks
  7. VSDC
  8. Machete Lite
  9. iMovie
  10. Hitfilm Express

Let’s dive in!

Point to Note:

If you use a link on this site to buy a product or service, I may earn a small commission. This helps me to maintain this website. However, whether the link is used or not the price of that product or service will always remain the same. View full affiliate disclosure here.


Create A Free YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube Channel is free for everyone. You can start yours today. It is easy.

First, you will need to have a Gmail account. If you don’t have one simply go to and create yours. Next, go to and sign with your Gmail account. The sign-in option is on the top right-hand corner of your window.

When you are signing in be sure to choose between personal and brand accounts. They are both free. However, a business account offers more options than a personal account.

A personal account only caters to one person. A brand or business account however allows for other members to be added. Obviously, with a brand or business account, you could potentially have several persons on your team who would need access to the channel to work on your materials.

Things To Consider When Starting a New YouTube Channel

The most important things you will need to look into when starting a new YouTube channel are your three Ws. What will it be about? Who is your target audience? Why should they choose to look at your channel?

choosing a niche

1. When creating a YouTube channel you first need to choose a Niche. Your Niche answers the question of what is it about.

Your niche should be something you are knowledgeable and passionate about since your goal will be to cover that particular topic for a long time to come.

It should also be something that lends itself to more content but not too wide.

You should not simply have a food channel since this is a very wide term and therefore not a good niche. You may for instance have a cooking channel that features Brazilian dishes. This way your target audience will be specific to that niche.

Having a channel that simply features Brazilian cheesecake however may find you quickly running out of things to share since this topic is pretty limited.


2. Who is your target audience?


Your channel will not appeal to everyone. Identifying and understanding your target audience requires an understanding of the issues they face as well as their needs.

When you understand what it is your viewers’ need then you will also be able to satisfy those audience

You need to know their ages, sex, spending power, interests, needs, etc.

Your material will need to be able to meet those needs.

For instance, if your cooking channel is geared toward persons who know nothing about cooking and need to learn from scratch then this information will help you to prepare your content to suit their needs.

Now let’s narrow that a bit more. Are we talking about children or young working women between the ages of 21 to 30?

Are we appealing to those on a tight budget who wish to learn easy meals to be able to feed themselves as well as entertain friends?

This type of information will help you to prepare your presentations to better meet their needs.

It also helps you to know what products are likely to sell on your channel so you will know what to advertise.

3. What Do Your Target Audience Need From You

You may learn the needs of your target audience through market research. You may actually do a survey or you could simply join groups that look at the niche you wish to target then look at what persons are talking about. Of particular importance, look at the questions they are asking. These will help you to identify their needs.

You may find this type of information in the comment section of channels providing the same service you wish to provide, social media groups, google trends, and even Quora.

Additionally understanding what your target audience values is also a key ingredient. For instance, does the group you are targeting care about eating organically? if so then you will need to be cognizant of this when creating your content. Ignoring this simple fact may actually be detrimental to the growth of your channel. Do not ignore their values.

Identify those things that may hinder your audience from becoming or remaining a part of your network. For instance, if your channel’s emphasis is geared toward using a particular type of cook wear but your target audience ( housewives of a middle-income background) are not likely to have those on hand or afford them you will need to look at that and consider how you can help them to get around this issue or whether to go with that idea at all.

Your target audience is not everybody. I cannot stress this enough. That line of thinking will negatively impact your business.

4. Why should they look at your channel?

Put yourself in their shoes, when you search for a YouTube video, do you think I really want to watch this video and I hope it has ads so that the creator will gain from me looking at them?

No, you want the video to reach your needs. The fact that it may have an advertisement from which the creator earns is completely irrelevant. Unless of course the ad needs to run reasons for looking at a youtube channelfor too long and you are pressed for time.

The point is we seek out videos to reach our own needs so the owner of a YouTube channel needs to be cognizant of his audience.

He needs to answer the question, why should they look at my channel.

To answer the question viewers will look because you reach their needs. It could be their need to be entertained or educated. Whatever the need is, it’s your job to satisfy that.

Understand that you also need to look at how this is done. For instance, if your channel is meant to educate but you are not good at presenting the information your viewer needs in a clear concise manner that appeals to viewers of all learning styles, you will need to review your strategy.

One of my favorite YouTube channels is Math Antics. I use this with one of my boys. The channel provides educational materials in a clear, concise, and fun way even using diagrams to clarify their information. Additionally, they are generally thorough and present the information in a manner that children (the target audience) can understand.

Meet the needs of your audience. That must always be the primary goal of your channel.


Change Or Add Your YouTube Account Type

If you have already created a YouTube channel but you are now finding that you need to change your account type you are in the right place.

Changing or adding a YouTube Account type can be quite challenging if you have never done so before. With the correct information at your fingertips, this can become quite simple, however.

Go to channel switcher. Once there you will see the option to Create a new channel.

It’s pretty self-explanatory from there but for those who still need some guidance, please follow the instructions below.

Now if you already have a personal account this will allow you to create a business account.

So Let’s set up your business account. Once you choose Create a New Channel you will be given the option of entering your brand.

  1. Enter the name of your brand then choose Create.
  2. On the next screen change your country code as well as your phone number. Choose the method by which you wish to receive your verification code, then click continue.
  3. Check your phone for the verification code.
  4. Enter your verification code and click continue. Your new channel has been created. You may now begin to customize it or upload a video.

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast

1. The key to growing your YouTube channel as with a website is quality content. Give your audience value for time and they will keep coming back.

Your audience and your ability to provide what they need must always be your focus and you will have a successful business.

If your business appears self-serving, trying to rope people into doing what you want rather than providing what they need I promise you, you will not be able to grow that channel.

  • Be helpful. Provide quality content. Give your audience the information they need in a clear concise manner.
  • Be honest. Trust goes a long way toward growing a following. Let your audience know that they can trust you.
  • Publish consistently. Have a schedule, this will go a long way. Your viewers will then know when to expect from your publication and develop their schedule around that.
  • Prepare your content in a thought-provoking interesting manner. Hook your audience in the first 30 seconds. As with a good book the hook is extremely important to your viewership. Cause them to want to watch to the end.


 2. Promote your channel. Promote your channel on your website, on social media, invite your friends to visit your site, like and share it in their circle.

You need to make people aware of what you are doing.

Encourage your viewers to engage. Ask them to like and subscribe to your channel.

You May Grow The Traffic ON Your Blog At the Same Time

Point them to related videos or your website for more information or for your email marketing campaign.

You may also pay to advertise your channel on social media platforms. This will ensure that more persons will see your advertisement.

You may use Google Adsense and

If you do not have a big advertising budget I suggest that you make the best use of the free platforms available.

3. Invite prominent celebrities or YouTubers with a large following to make a guest appearance on your channel. This will give you access to persons in their following as well.

4. Check your channel to see which videos are more popular as you publish, check your competitors’ channel too provided that you keep your target audience in mind. and do more of what appeals to them.

5. Use a keyword research tool such as Jaxxy to learn which keywords are generating searches so as to come up with the title and content for your video. Be clear in your title so as to make your video appear in the search engines for this particular keyword.

How To Monetize Your YouTube Channel

Now that you have created your YouTube Channel lets look at how you may go about earning money from it.

To make money on YouTube you will typically need to become a member of the YouTube Partnership program.  However, not everyone is eligible.

Firstly to be eligible to join this program you will need to have a total of 4000 hours of views on your channel and 1000 subscribers.

You will also need to create an Adsense account.

Lastly and probably the most important is that you will need to live in one of the countries that are eligible to join this program.

To learn more about the YouTube Partnership Program and its eligibility criteria please watch the video below or visit here.

You could of course use your channel to advertise your own products and earn that way.

How To Market Your YouTube Channel For Free

If you own a website in the same niche as your YouTube channel the most logical thing would be to advertise your channel on your great traffic-producing website.

market for free

There are very subtle ways to do this you may use an inline advertisement, embed videos from your channel to reinforce the information being shared on your site or refer viewers to your channel for more information.

This also works from the other direction.

You, the owner of a YouTube channel may drive traffic to your website by advertising the URL of your website within your YouTube videos. You may additionally tell your viewers to visit your website and sign up to receive your lead magnet.

Or you may simply send them to learn more about that particular niche by reading the content of your blog. While there, you may invite them to subscribe to receive your lead magnet.

Additionally, you may share your videos on Social Media, in interest groups, even your WhatsApp status. Invite others to subscribe and share your videos. The more people that know how to find your channel the more visitors and followers you will have.

If you have an eBook that is of a related niche, be sure to insert a link to your channel at the end. Encourage your readers to check out your channel and subscribe.

Give gifts to persons who subscribe to your channel. This may not sound free but you can give something that you create that is related to your niche. You can collect their information on your website so as to give them their gift. However, you look at this it is a way to grow your channel as well as your website traffic.


Starting a YouTube channel and making money from it is one of the easiest online businesses today.

A YouTube Channel can be a great side hustle or a way to develop another income stream in preparation to ditch your boss. It does however take time, know-how, and a small investment to turn your channel into a profitable business venture.

Be sure to understand who your target audience is and ensure that whatever you publish meets their needs. This is your primary goal.

Always remember no traffic mean no revenue so give your viewers what they need first and you will get what you want in return.

Before You Go

Do you have questions or comments about starting an online business or your own YouTube Channel? Drop me a comment in the comments section below and I will be sure to get back to you within twenty-four hours.

Check out my article on How To Make A YouTube Video On Your Phone.

Candy Benn

2 thoughts on “Start A YouTube Channel And Earn Money From It”

  1. Your article came at the right time for me! I am gathering ideas for my YouTube channel and your details have definitely given me more to consider.

    While I knew that I would need many subscribers to begin to make money directly, I wasn’t aware that there was also a minimum number of viewing hours, too. I guess I better get busy if I’m going to reach the goal of 4000 viewing hours!

    Do you recommend any specific microphone, camera, or other equipment to use for a YouTube channel?

    • Hi Diane,

      Thank you for stopping by.

      I am no expert on Microphone and Cameras. In time I will be able to share more on this at least about what works for me and then I will be happy to write a blog about my recommendations.

      However, if you are now starting a YouTube Channel there really is no reason to invest in expensive equipment. I suggest starting with the equipment you have on hand. For most people, this will probably be their phone camera. What you may want to do is learn to adjust your camera settings on your cellphone so that it would give you the best possible quality output.

      I will have a post on how to adjust your phone camera to get the best quality for video output in the coming week. I will also address the issue of using your phone’s microphone for this.

      What is far more important than the quality of your camera is your audio output. You will definitely want to invest in a high powered microphone as soon as possible. Amazon has some great options for this to suit everyone’s budget.

      Candy Benn


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